Tío Antonio Social Center

Make some noise for the visibility and equality of the voiceless


Our mission is the creation of employment for people with disabilities, while our struggle is visibility and equality.

We believe in self-sufficiency and that is why we undertake projects with social responsibility and economic self-management.In Nicaragua, after completing the basic educational cycle, more than 90% of people with disabilities do not have any job opportunities, making it so essential to guarantee inclusion in the workplace.
Over the 12 years that we have been working in Nicaragua, we launched a number of socially responsible companies, and have thereby demonstrated that not only is this possible, but that it is replicable.And we are proud to have been an example that has inspired projects in other parts of the world.


We make noise to make the voiceless heard.

We put problems on the table and confront them with innovative ideas and self-sufficient projects, and create high-impact campaigns that have allowed us to reach our main objective:visibility, the first step in the struggle for equality.

Centro Social Tío Antonio Nicaragua is a nongovernmental organization (NGO), founded in 2007 and legally registered in Spain as a non-profit association (Nº 589789).Headquartered in Granada (Nicaragua), we dedicate ourselves to projects of labour insertion and bringing attention to the most underprivileged, especially people with disabilities.

We have set up a number of various self-sufficient and independent projects that generate jobs, which allow anyone, regardless of their abilities, to develop a life plan.


* Our Mission

To always inspire, stimulate, facilitate and promote joint activities with the goal of the development of each person.To this end, Tío Antonio acts in the most disadvantaged sectors of society, focusing on the creation of job opportunities and logistical support for other organizations.


* Our Vision

At the Tío Antonio Social Center we understand that, in addition to being fair, aid must be effective, targeted at those who really need it, and always trying to involve the beneficiaries of the aid in order for it to have an effect. We believe that we must fight against the “gift” culture, and encourage personal and collective initiative, so that the people themselves fight for their personal development and that of their country.

* Our History

“A lot of little people, in little places, doing little things, can change the world.” Galeano. Since 2007 and forever.



Help us grow our project.Changing lives is also in your hands